4 Questions To Ask About Potential After School Programs

As a busy parent, you may need childcare for your children for a few hours after school lets out in order to finish your workday or tackle the last few items on your to-do list. An after-school child care program is a terrific solution to your childcare needs. Make sure that you ask the following questions to ensure the program is the best fit for you and your child's needs. 

1. Is transportation provided from school to the program site?

For optimal convenience, check that the program provides transportation to its program site and that this transportation is included in the cost of the program. Though most larger programs have a bus or van that delivers children to the location of the program, some smaller programs may not provide transportation. However, if the program operates near your child's school, they may be able to take a school bus to their after-school childcare. 

2. What does the program's typical schedule look like?

As a parent, you know whether your child needs a scheduled after-school program or one that gives children a little leeway with their activities. Talk to the director to learn more about the typical schedule for their program.

If your child has a lot of homework that they need to do or if they prefer to spend some time reading or chatting with friends to decompress, you might prefer an after-school program that lets kids control a portion of their activities. Should you have concerns that your child will get in trouble if their afternoon isn't scheduled, a program with more structure may be a better fit for their needs. 

3. Are staff available to assist with homework?

Your child may need to spend time at their after-school childcare working on their homework. If so, you should check that the program has staff who are willing and able to assist kids with their homework. Some programs are staffed by teachers to ensure they can assist and support kids academically. Should your child get stuck on a tricky math problem, they'll appreciate having a reliable resource to turn to. 

4. What is the policy regarding electronics?

It's increasingly common for many school districts to require children to use electronic devices for a portion of their homework. If your child's school district falls in this category, you will want to check that the program permits children to use electronics during their after-school sessions. Kids may be permitted to bring their own devices to assist with their studies, or they might have access to devices that they can use as needed to work on their schoolwork. 
