Help! What Do You Do If Your Preschooler Has Become A Biter?

No parent wants to receive a phone call from his/her child's preschool or babysitter informing him/her that his/her child is biting other children. At first, it is normal to panic and wonder what you can do to quickly get this problem under control. If your preschooler has started biting, these four tips can help.

S is for Start By Understanding Why

Children bite for different reasons. Some will feel threatened, while others want to express themselves in certain ways. The only way you can take steps to stop the biting is to understand why it is happening. Each reason will take different steps. If it is to share emotion, you'll need to find a way to help your child express feelings in a different way. Those who feel threatened need to find other ways to protect themselves or discuss why they feel threatened.

T is for Take a Note of the Biting

Keep track of all the biting incidents. Look at how often it happens, how your child acts before, during and after, and how hard the biting is. This can help you work out the reason, but also give you the initial steps to help stop it.

You'll also be able to see when the biting is just about to happen, so you can stop it before someone else gets hurt. These are signs you can also tell your child's preschool about to help them prevent others getting hurt, while you take steps to stop it.

O is for Offer More Self-Expression Options

More times than not, biters are trying to express themselves. It may be frustration because they're struggling to talk and be understood, fear of another, or anger at not getting their own way. It's up to you to teach them other ways to express themselves. They may not be able to use their words, but may be able to draw or use their toys to explain how they feel. Some children will develop signing skills to express why they are biting.

P is for Preparing Your Child For Oral Stimulation

If it has come to your attention that your child is biting when he/she feels an extreme emotion, it is possible that he/she is reacting to being overstimulated. When this happens, your child seeks out oral stimulation to calm him/herself down. You can prepare your child for feeling this way by providing him/her with something appropriate to bite such as chewable jewelry. Chewable jewelry is just jewelry your child wears that he/she can safely chew on. It is a therapeutic item designed specifically for children who need the extra oral stimulation.

If you just remember the word STOP, you will never forget these four tips. While it isn't going to happen overnight, you will be able to STOP your preschooler from biting with these helpful tips. 

For a children's daycare center, contact a business such as Little Peoples Early Learning Center.
