Valentines Gifts For Preschoolers To Help You Make

Preschool is filled with fun and learning. Each holiday, your child may be given the opportunity to bring in little gifts for their classmates and teachers. With Valentine's Day approaching, it's time to think about what your child will take in to share. Below, you will find two ideas that you can use to give your child a chance to get creative and have fun making gifts for the kids they share their time at school with.

Colorful Heart Crayons

What do you do with all of the broken crayons around your house? Well, one thing you can do with them is to make little heart-shaped crayons to tape to the front of the valentines or tuck inside the envelopes.

You will need a few supplies:

  • Mini-brownie heart-shaped silicone tray
  • A bunch of crayons of different colors
  • Sharp knife and cutting board - don't use your expensive knives - this project could cause good knives to dull
  • Oven set to 235 degrees

Step 1: Chop up the crayons into small pieces.

Step 2: Sprinkle the crayon chunks into the mini hearts.

Step 3: Cook in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

Step 4: Let them cool and dump them out of the tray.

Step 5: Tape them to handmade or store bought valentines.

These crayon-shaped hearts will show your child what happens when you mix different colors and provide his or her friends with a gift that can be used to make beautiful artwork for their families.

Heart-Shaped Fruit Loop Bird Feeders

Those delicious fruity circle cereals can be enjoyed by more than just children. They can be made into heart-shaped bird feeders that your child will love to watch birds pick at.

You will need a few supplies:

  • Fruit Loop cereal
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Yarn
  • Plastic baggies

Step 1: Slide the pipe cleaners through the holes in the center of the cereal.

Step 2: Twist the ends of the pipe cleaner together.

Step 3: Form the shape of a heart by bending the cereal covered pipe cleaner.

Step 4: Tie yarn to the top two humps of the heart.

Step 5: Put them in plastic baggies and add instructions to hang them outside for the birds to enjoy.

During the making of either of these projects, take the time to teach your preschooler something. Use counting and matching as you make these fun gifts that their classmates are sure to love. These gifts are perfect examples of gifts that parents, teachers and students will love. Talk to a preschool, like McLean Children's Academy, for more information on allowed treats.
